Tag: Weather

Posted on 02/23/2025
3 Telltale Signs Your Home Needs New Insulation
People who harbor a sneaking suspicion they're paying too much in heating and cooling expenses are often on to something. Under-insulated attics alone can reportedly increase utility bills by as much as 25 percent. If you identify any of the following telltale signs, consider new insulation. 1: Home Experiences Temperature Shifts Imagine sitting by an open window as...
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Posted on 08/07/2022
Tornadoes: Quick tips for staying prepared
Storms are often causes for nervousness and stress. And while there are some that can be prepared for, there are others that just seem to happen with little to no warning. Tornadoes are among those events that sneak up on us and can bring a great deal of damage with them. Here are a few key steps for...
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Posted on 02/02/2020
Surviving Storms in Florida - Is it Worth It?
Photo by Dimitris Vetsikas via Pixabay There’s nothing like the South Florida sun, right? The beauty of the water, sandy beaches and plenty of things to do. Those are just a few reasons why Miami continues to be a popular destination – not only to visit, but to live as well. People see all the storms and inclement...
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